The newspaper will be divided in the following sections, each one worked by a grade:
- Food education (1st grade)
- Experiences in and out school (2nd grade)
- Entertainment and extracurricular activities (3rd grade)
- Literacy (4th grade)
- Educational news (6th grade)
Fifth grade of primary will design the logo and the coverpage of the newspaper as well as the index, structure... for this they will be the responsible of the layout of it.
All the students will work in each section as they begin in first and finish in sixth.
We decided this division because we have designed for each grade the most accurate section to their capacities and contents.
The publishment will be carried out once a trimester, talking about the events, the info and several sections referring to that semester ( activities, events, food, literature...). This would be carried out by students in fifth grade, which later on, in their section, it will be explain in detail.
All students have to spend 6 lessons, 1h per lesson= 6h, working in the newspaper, each one in the subject designated (this is explained in each section/grade).
The work will be planned so that 5th grade have enough time to review all the sections and upgrade to the digital newspaper.
Within each section, we will need to assigned the students (from 1st grade to 6th grade in Primary) a role, so that it is all well organized and much easier and quick. We can considerate the following ones:
- Food education (1st grade)
- Experiences in and out school (2nd grade)
- Entertainment and extracurricular activities (3rd grade)
- Literacy (4th grade)
- Educational news (6th grade)
Fifth grade of primary will design the logo and the coverpage of the newspaper as well as the index, structure... for this they will be the responsible of the layout of it.
All the students will work in each section as they begin in first and finish in sixth.
We decided this division because we have designed for each grade the most accurate section to their capacities and contents.
The publishment will be carried out once a trimester, talking about the events, the info and several sections referring to that semester ( activities, events, food, literature...). This would be carried out by students in fifth grade, which later on, in their section, it will be explain in detail.
All students have to spend 6 lessons, 1h per lesson= 6h, working in the newspaper, each one in the subject designated (this is explained in each section/grade).
The work will be planned so that 5th grade have enough time to review all the sections and upgrade to the digital newspaper.
Within each section, we will need to assigned the students (from 1st grade to 6th grade in Primary) a role, so that it is all well organized and much easier and quick. We can considerate the following ones:
- General directors. They will organize the rest of the people, giving ideas related to their sections, about those more important events that had been carried out in the educative institution we are dealing with.
- Reporters and interviewers. They will be in charge of extracting the necessary information and making notes in order to send them to those students that will carry out the composition, who will be responsible for organizing all the collected material and write the notices belonging to each section. It would be highly recommended that the students in charge of the composition have a great command of grammar and orthography.
- Photographers. They will go along with the reporters in the moments that the interviews are being done and their function is to take as many pictures as they can. Those pictures will illustrate the news.
- Designers. With all the work done, these ones will be who create, decorate, put up the news and give to the newspaper a sense of order, making it possible to distribute the sections and make everything clear.
These roles will be assigned first raffle between all students, and then there will be rotation every trimester.
All these people will carry out their functions being supervised by their tuthor or other professor.
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