sábado, 9 de enero de 2016


We were influenced by this video where we could see how children developed the idea of doing an school  newspaper and how they feel about that:

Also, we've investigated some newspapers made it by other schools or even high school such as:



The approach is active and dinamic, limiting the process of memorising concepts and expanding their technical knowledge and specific skills. 

The strategies and techniques that are going to be used for the project are group project works and workshops.

These groups can be flexible, interactive and heterogeneous.

The materials that children would need and use would be:

Textbooks, notebooks, camera, computers, internet, paper, colors

And they would work in places like:

- Enclosed spaces: the classroom, audiovisual classroom, computer room, library.
- Open spaces:playgrounds, sports courts

viernes, 8 de enero de 2016

Digital newspaper

Here you can see the newspaper made by the children:

We've made a poster with the main justifications and objetives:

Section for sixth grade: Educational News

This will be carried out for sixth grade students, they will have to be inform about news of education as well as all the activities related with that.

We have choose this group because they are the oldest of school and they can build their own opinions. They will do it with the help of the language teacher.

All the news have to be verified and with the reference from where they have obteined the info.

They will work it in the forth and fifth week of the quarter, a total of 6 hours, then they will deliver it to their mates of fifth and they just have to make the layout, as students of sixth are older and they shouldn't have any mistakes. 

Section for fifth grade: Cover page, logo, index and forum

Every newspaper needs a logo so the fifth course of primary will design it in art lessons, technology and also literature lessons. 

Furthermore they are in charge of making the cover page of each newspaper and also the index as well as the welcome. 

This course will be the one that should make families feel interactive and participants of the activities in the school, opening a forum where the parents can comment, suggest and claim

We think they are going to enjoy designing the logo as it will be a part of the school heritage.

They have to be responsible of the newspaper in general, the organization, the parts of it... and all the groups have to be in contact with them in order to make a correct layout.

They also will have 6 hours to work in this. 

They will be distribute per grades:
1 hour per each grade in order to review the sections and then upload to the digital newspaper (layout).  

The remaining time will be to make the logo and also revise and retouch any mistake and also they are in charge of a section where parents can provide their oponions.

Section for forth grade: Literature Section

Students from 4 grade of Primary will be responsible of literary section where they can add information about authors, books (olds, news, interested...), they also can write in fragments of books, poems even some related with literacy. 

For this they have to interview their mates of different groups, family and also teachers.

The purpose if it is to bring readers the literacy world through recommendations from their mates or teachers.

It will be carry out during language lessons. 

And their 6 hours of work will be placed in the third and forth week of the quarter, once they have it finished, fifth will do it work. 

Section for third grade: Entertainment and extracurricular activities

This section involves the activities that are being done in this educational institution.
Includes sport tournaments, cultural activities and art expositions, among others.

The blog can be useful to submit to such activities open to everybody, that could allow the students to become familiar with sophisticated apps such as Google Forms.

Third Grade is the appropriate group because they start working with information and communication technologies and these kinds of apps are way more effective than great loads of paper with information that can get lost.

They also have 6 hours to work with it, and in their technology classes. They are going to be the second group into give the responsible of the layout, so they have to work in it during the second and third week of the trimester, three hours each week.

Section for second grade: Experiences in and out the school.

Second course of Primary will be in charge of this section. 

They will review and comment the activities realized during the trimester adding photographies, interviews from mates and teachers... as well as the most relevant information.

We have decided to assign this part to this group because they will enjoy interviewing their mates and their teachers, and they can see different opinions about what they've done.

Their 6 hours of work will be distribute along the quarter, because the activities are realised in different times, decided by the teacher in their technology and language class
So they will be in contact with fifth grade each time they have one part of the section done. 

Section for first grade: Food Education

This section will be realised by first grade of Primary students, with the support of their tutors and their Natural and Science's teacher.

We have decided to assign them this activity because of the easiness of the topics which we can use to begin with and also they began to learn it from the first year of schooling.

The main objective is to design a balanced snack (example below) for all students at school for their snack at their playground time.

The snack has to be per weeks and they have to make three different balanced snack, one for each month and of course along the week students have to eat foods of all the different groups of food there are.

Further on, they will be in charge of getting information about the food that is in season for each trimester, in order to inform the readers, and also, talk about recipes made with those foods. 
For this, there will be a forum where all readers can contribute recipes, more information… 

To develop this section, they have 6 hours, and it will be develop during the first week of the trimester. Once they have finish it, students of fifth grade will take it and review it to upload it to the digital newspaper. 


The newspaper will be divided in the following sections, each one worked by a grade:

 - Food education (1st grade)

 - Experiences in and out school (2nd grade)
 - Entertainment and extracurricular activities (3rd grade)
 - Literacy (4th grade)
 - Educational news (6th grade)

Fifth grade of primary will design the logo and the coverpage of the newspaper as well as the index, structure... for this they will be the responsible of the layout of it.

All the students will work in each section as they begin in first and finish in sixth.

We decided this division because we have designed for each grade the most accurate section to their capacities and contents.

The publishment will be carried out once a trimester, talking about the events, the info and several sections referring to that semester ( activities, events, food, literature...). This would be carried out by students in fifth grade, which later on, in their section, it will be explain in detail.

All students have to spend 6 lessons, 1h per lesson= 6h, working in the newspaper, each one in the subject designated (this is explained in each section/grade).

The work will be planned so that 5th grade have enough time to review all the sections and upgrade to the digital newspaper. 

Within each section, we will need to assigned the students (from 1st grade to 6th grade in Primary) a role, so that it is all well organized and much easier and quick. We can considerate the following ones:

General directors. They will organize the rest of the people, giving ideas related to their sections, about those more important events that had been carried out in the educative institution we are dealing with.

Reporters and interviewers. They will be in charge of extracting the necessary information and making notes in order to send them to those students that will carry out the composition, who will be responsible for organizing all the collected material and write the notices belonging to each section. It would be highly recommended that the students in charge of the composition have a great command of grammar and orthography.

 - Photographers. They will go along with the reporters in the moments that the interviews are being done and their function is to take as many pictures as they can. Those pictures will illustrate the news.

Designers. With all the work done, these ones will be who create, decorate, put up the news and give to the newspaper a sense of order, making it possible to distribute the sections and make everything clear.

These roles will be assigned first raffle between all students, and then there will be rotation every trimester.

All these people will carry out their functions being supervised by their tuthor or other professor.


- Significative learning (for instance: to write an article).

- Presentation and organization of the contents.

- Systematization of work.

- Cooperation and group work.

- Organization of a newspaper.

- Types of press.

- Features of periodistic language (clarity, accuracy, concission and interest and updating).

- Parts of a newspaper.

- Periodistic genres (news, highlights, chronics...).

- Ranges of newspapers (national, local)

- similarities and differences between different types of press.

- The periodistic language.

- Interest and curiosity.

- Critical visions and thinkings.


According to the Educational Law in Spain, we are going to deal with these following competences:

- Linguistic communication competence.

- Mathematical competence and basic competence in science and technology.

- Longlife learning.

- Information and communication technology competence.

- Citizen and social competence.

- Spirit of entrepreneurship and sense of initiative.

- Awareness and cultural expressions.


- To promote the significative learning (for instance, in Language we will promote that they can write an article).

- To develop, on one hand, the creativity in presentation and organization of the contents; and on the other, the organization and systematization of work.

- To create capacities for the cooperation and group work.

- To organize a newspaper.

- To know the differents types of press.

- To know the features of periodistic language (clarity, accuracy, concission and interest and updating).

- To recognize the parts of a newspaper.

- To recognize and do the cover of a newspaper with its parts (title, pictures, summary, news, ads...).

- To know periodistic genres (news, highlights, chronics...).

- To research about the reading of written press in the student nearbies.

- To analyze local and national newspapers.

- To perceive similarities and differences between different types of press.

- To analyze the periodistic language.

- To examine several cover pages of newspapers and compare them according to the different elements that compose them.

- To read periodistic genres and compare them according to sections and newspapers.

- To apply acquired knowledge elaborating a newspaper.

- To be interested and curious for the reading of written press.

- To develop a critical vision giving the opinion about what is read.

- To value well-constructed news being aware of the language used.

- To become aware of the ambiguity that can produce the set of text and image.

- To be critical respect to the opinion that others offer in the written press.

- To value the importance of the written press and considerate it necessary in order to be well informed in the current society.

Why have we chosen the Digital Newspaper?

We from the Bilingual Group of the Primary Education degree have opted for the creation of a digital newspaper, seeing it as a vital tool for students to transmit news to the targeted public.In this case, the public we are talking about will be: parents, teachers, students, so all the staff of school. At the same time, students live the experience of working with the Communicative and Informative Technologies, what will result in a considerable improvement when they are needed to face with real life problems, as society is becoming more and more familiar with these types of tools.

It will be realised in different subjects (science, language and literature, technology, art, PE) with different teachers because the newspaper will include different contents of this subjects.

All the students of school will be participant because we want to promote team working and in this way all of grades are in contact.